Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Salem Witch Trials A Time Of Hysteria And Confusion

The Salem Trials Introduction - The Salem Witch trials was a time of hysteria and confusion. People were being accused and giving false confessions of witchcraft being performed on the people of Salem, Massachusetts. Personal Statement - The delusion of witchcraft stemmed from fear. Fear of savages, fear of women gaining control and ultimately fear of the unknown. RoadMap - It allowed for the town s imagination to run rampant and to make up these far fetched ideas of how bewitchment came to be, how it affected salem, and how they chose to treat it. Point one - According to 9 year old Elizabeth parris and 11 year old Abigail Williams began having outbursts of screamng and violent contortions. When the town doctor came to examine them he claimed they were under bewitchment. Other girls in the community began to show the same symptoms including Ann Putnam, Mercy lewis, Mary Walcott, Elizabeth Hubbard, and Mary Warren. As these young girls were under their spells of bewitchment they would accuse other women in the town of causing these afflictions and scream out they were being hurt by these women. Among the accused was Tituba - The Parris slave -, a homeless woman named Sarah Good, and the elderly Sarah Osborn. These three accused witches would stand trial in front of the magistrates, Jonathan Corwin and John Hathorne, even as the accusers would show a display of spasms, contortions, and screaming. Good and Osborn remained to plead not guilty and defendShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Theories of the Salem Witch Trials1135 Words   |  5 PagesThe Theories of the Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch trials and what caused them is very debatable. Some theories lead to Rye poisoning from bread to even people faking it. The most believable claim is that people were faking it. Everyone had a motive and they all just wanted to save themselves. It was a time when people were selfish and only cared for themselves. This time in Salem was a troubling time, making it seem likely that satan was active (Linder). The townsfolk are believed to haveRead MoreThe Effects Of Hysteria In The Crucible1489 Words   |  6 Pagesfor. Hysteria is a major leader in past and present day society when it comes to how people act and think in different situations. The Crucible provides great examples with how hysteria can affect a group of people. Back in Salem, Massachusetts 1692, hysterics swept the town, creating storms of emotion. Everyone is wondering, what to do? What to think? In The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses the effects of mass hysteria to reveal his purpose of using it in his writing, how society at that time reactsRead MoreHysteria In The Crucible1474 Words   |  6 Pagess behavior and thoughts. Hysteria, uncontrollable emotion among groups, is a major leader in past and present day society when it comes to how people act and think in different situations. The Crucible provides great examples with ho w hysteria can affect a group of people. Back in Salem, Massachusetts 1692, hysterics swept the town, creating a storm of emotions. Everyone wondering, what to do? What to think? In The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses the effects of mass hysteria to reveal his purpose ofRead Moreâ€Å"Red Alert Is The Colour Of Panic. Elevated To The Point1704 Words   |  7 Pagesfull-throttle screaming And the welfare is asphyxiating Mass confusion is all the new age and it s creating a feeding ground for the bottom feeders of hysteria† American Eulogy by Green Day was written and released in 2009 giving their audience the feeling of what it is like to be in the middle of mass hysteria and trying to escape that life. Just as people felt During the Cold War and the Salem Witch Trials. The Crucible takes place in Salem, Massachusetts when he wrote the play in 1953 during theRead MoreAn Age Of Mass Hysteria1623 Words   |  7 PagesAn Age of Mass Hysteria: Salem in 1692 and 1693 Over 200 people were falsely accused of witchcraft from 1692 to 1693 in Salem, Massachusetts and 20 of those people were executed. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible follows a group of people in Salem and their struggle to find an answer that explains the tragedies of life through religion. Their faith plays such an influential role in their life that they use it to explain things that modern science would explain. They believe that the bad things thatRead MoreExamples Of Mass Hysteria In The Crucible1413 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the Salem Witch Trials of 1962, nearly 20 people were sentenced to death, upon being accused as â€Å"hosts† of the devil and his evil ways of life. In the novel, The Crucible by Arthur Miller he depicts the mass hysteria of the Salem Witch Trials. The Witch Trials were provoked by the strict religious beliefs of the Puritan community, in which the people believed that the devil was constantly trying to pervade their religious communities and the ir Christian beliefs. Within the Crucible, AbigailsRead MoreEssay The Crucible by Arthur Miller1541 Words   |  7 Pagesburns with the accusations of witchcraft, mass hysteria and retribution. Set in the small town of Salem Massachusetts in 1692, it explores the struggle of one man with his conscience and his eventual purification. A fictional play based on McCarthyism, a dark chapter in American history. Miller uses The Crucible as a mirror to reflect his views on the anti-communist hysteria inspired by Senator Joseph McCarthys witch hunts in the U.S. Reissue. By using the historicalRead MoreThe Mystery of the Salem Witch Trails of 1692623 Words   |  2 Pagesvictories as well as many shames. One of the most famous ignominies was the Salem witch trials in 1692. During the witch trials, many were wrongfully accused and some were executed. There are many theories about why this horror story commenced, but there are no clear appointed reasons. Medical factors may have contributed to the events such as ergot poisoning, traumatic stress, and mass hysteria. Considering that this was an early time in American history, it was likely that these factors were overlookedRead MoreCauses of the Salem Witch Trials Essay2035 Words   |  9 Pagesbeginning of time there has been conflict between the views of different people and their different groups. Conflict has brought prejudice and fear into communities around the world. As conflict is an inescapable part of any society, it can be expected to extend to the greate st impact possible. The Salem Witch Trials are one such conflict. This conflict caused many to be accused, arrested, and killed. Because of social, economic, religious, and physical problems within the community, Salem Village wasRead MoreEssay about Reverand Hale in Arthur Millers The Crucible987 Words   |  4 Pages The Salem witch trials of 1692 caused much confusion and chaos. A total of 19 were executed for supposed witchcraft. For such a travesty to occur and to end, there must be certain people that catalyze the event and others that speak out against it. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, specific characters contribute to the rising hysteria of witchcraft and the disapproval of the convictions. Reverend Hale is a unique character that provides attributions to both sides. Although Reverend Hale is a

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Three Rural Problem in China - 4341 Words

REPORT TOPIC: Rural Development and Three Rural Problem in China; To what extent China Resources Hope Town Project Helps to Solve Three Rural Problems in Guang Xi? Currently, around 900 million of China’s population, which account for around 70% of China’s total population and 22% of world population lives on around 2 billion mu (1 mu = 1/15 of a hectare) cultivable land accounting for 7% of world total cultivable land, and on average a peasant household survives on 1.5 mu of land (Zhang et. Al. 2001: 51). The challenge from the agrarian has been a major concern to the Chinese government ever since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). As agriculture has been the mainstay of the Chinese economy, around 70% of China’s†¦show more content†¦With this reform, grain output increased from 35 billion kilograms annually before and rose to 400 billion kilograms by 1984. Besides, the gross agricultural output value of grew by 68% and peasants’ average per capita income also grew 166%. Apart from HRS, reform also included general price liberalization. The price of agricultural products are gradually liberalized with some exceptions that government still kept some regulations on grain production and procurements requiring peasants part of their grain to government. The â€Å"uniform purchase and sales† system was replaced by â€Å"contract purchase† and later on replaced by â€Å"state purchase† system in 1990s. Rapid economic growth together with the HRS greatly improve peasant’s life, gross per capital income of the rural household increased from less than RMB500 in 1983 to over RMB4,500 in 20051. However, situation changed when government thought that the rural area has completely reformed and shifted the policy target away from the country side and to the urban areas. The rapid economic growth in cities caused huge rural-urban income gap. The two-tiered marketplanning system implying that some products like cash crops are traded thro ugh market but some like wheat, rice and cotton, are partially or totally controlled by the state. Although government try to transform from planned to free market, but this has not happened to the rice, wheat andShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of The Cultural Revolution884 Words   |  4 Pagesthe people of China From 1965 to 1968. The cultural Revolution is the name given to the Chinese Communist party’s attempt, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, to reassert its authority over the Chinese government. The main goal of the revolution was simple: the Chinese Communist party wanted to reform the Chinese people so that they believed and followed the communist ideology of absolute social equality. The group of people that the CCP, under Mao, wanted to help most was the rural people or theRead More Population Control in China Essay1711 Words   |  7 PagesControl in China â€Å"Vigilantes abduct pregnant women on the streets and haul them off, sometimes handcuffed or trussed, to abortion clinics. [Some] aborted babies cry when they are born (Steven Mosher).† This quotation shows one method how China tries to carry through its population control in a manner which is very cruel and against human rights. We, Western people, do not understand why China needs a population control and why this control has to be carried out so harshly. But why had China to controlRead MoreStory of Xiao Xiao Essay1436 Words   |  6 PagesSystem My topic will be the â€Å"child bridge† system and the traditional rural life in China toward to the story â€Å"Xiao Xiao† by Sheng Congwen. The story is mainly about a young girl, Xiao Xiao who enters into the child bridge system with no choice and facing the struggle between the modern and traditional Chinese culture. Child bridge system was an unfair system that use to against women and was very common in rural China. It was an arranged marriage which daughter in the poor family would sellRead MoreRelationship Between Inequality And Economic Growth1370 Words   |  6 PagesPeople’s Republic of China in 1949 with its government socialist ideology, planned economy during the economic reforms, which started in 1978 and are still going on until nowadays, China has had continued presence of inequality. In my work I overview the evolution of inequality that could be divided into two historical periods: pre-reform period (1949-1978) and the reform period (1978- onwards). I also examine the correlation between inequality and economic growth in China. Although, with the sustainedRead MoreRenewable Energy Rural Areas Of China1520 Words   |  7 PagesRenewable Energy in Rural areas of China Introduction Currently , the development of renewable energy resources , reduce consumption of fossil energy , environmental protection and mitigation of global warming has become a common sense of every country in the world. Despite China as a developing country and its historically low emissions, China faces international pressure to control its carbon emissions, which China is already the world s largest carbon emitter, sharing 29% of global carbon emissionRead MoreUnderstanding How Social Change Has Affected Hong China1711 Words   |  7 PagesHow Social Change Has Affected Rural China Introduction There are many changes that have occurred in the Peoples Republic of China over a short period of time. This is mainly because of the changing climate in relation to a number of areas and perspectives. For instance, there are varied factors that have led to the changes that have been experienced in the social, political, and economic culture. Since 1949 there have been many changes in the social aspect in China. These changes are related to aRead MoreChinas Healthcare System1552 Words   |  6 PagesThe healthcare system in China has made considerable advancements in recent years to make health treatment accessible. In 2009, China launched an ambitious healthcare reform plan to provide health insurance coverage for nearly 95 percent of its citizens. The reform also included efforts to reduce out-of-pocket expenses for citizens. However, despite these changes, China’s progress is hindered by inefficiency and corruption. For a large developing country, and one that has the worl d’s largest populationRead MoreThe Problems Of Urbanization Of China1400 Words   |  6 Pages The Problems of Urbanization in China Tianming Zhang University Of Victoria V00808625 ECON 225 October 21, 2014 The Risks of Urbanization in China Since the implantation of the ‘Reform and Opening-up’ policy in 1978, China has entered a period of urbanization (Wang 2014, p.332). The rate of urbanization increased from 19.39% since then to 51.27% in 2011(Wang 2014, p.332). It is no secret that the nation has demonstrated tremendous growth in recent years.Read MoreOutline Of A Day Midterm Exam1515 Words   |  7 PagesKennedi Alsop 10/18/14 Start Time: 7:54 PM End Time: 9:08 PM FYS Will China Democratize? Dr. Kate Kaup Take Home Midterm Exam: Due In Class on Monday Please use no more than *75* minutes to complete your midterm. Please write the start and finish time on your midterm. Please do not consult your notes or readings (or classmates! ☠º ) Part One: Identify and explain the significance of **four** of the following terms. Give the date where appropriate. (8 points each, 32 points total. Recommended time:Read MoreThe Health Situation in China1207 Words   |  5 PagesHealth Situation in China A health care system refers to the comprehensive organization, structures and strategies through which Medicare and health care is made available by the government to its citizens. A health care system is a product of countries politics. It is a nations system of governance that will dictate upon the most convenient model of health care to adopt. There is no universally acceptable method, and in adopting each; a government has to take into account a variety of factors,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Recognition Resistance and Reconstruction †

Question: Discuss about the Recognition Resistance and Reconstruction. Answer: Introduction: One relevant topic of discussion while talking about multiculturalism is the respect that individuals deserve for their identity and self. This all pervasive struggle is increasingly becoming one of the raging topics of discussion in the late twentieth and twenty first century. In an era of multiculturalism, ideological dominance is deeply rooted in the economic structure of the society management. One can also identify maternal subjugation due to lack of education, xenophobia, marginalization of people based on their cultural and racial identity, dominance of economic power structure. Marxist has compiled his research and study to prove how economically oppressed people are always subjugated to the dominant ideologies. This is evident in the elimination of the ritualistic wearing of burqa. In the sphere of multiculturalism, theorists have increasingly tried to locate the individuals in this structure of forming oppressive ideologies and forming resistance to some of these humiliating ideologies that individuals are chained with. The hierarchy is decided by the language and cultural privileges that an individual experiences which vest them with the power of oppressing the marginalized section. Social theorists have argued that society also needs to realize the evils of power division in society which gives birth to a number of oppressive ideologies. Bibliography List: Pallotta-Chiarolli, M. and Pease, B., 2013. Recognition, resistance and reconstruction management: an introduction to subjectivities and social justice. InThe Politics of Recognition and Social Justice(pp. 19-42). Routledge. Shohat, E. and Stam, R., 2014.Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the media. Routledge.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Understanding Chaucers Reeves Tale free essay sample

This paper analyzes the characters and the use of symbolism in Chaucers Reeves Tale. This paper discusses Chaucers `Reeves Tale. The author analyzes the main themes in the book and discusses some of the main characters and how they portray the themes. From the paper: The Reeves Tale, from the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, translated by Nevill Coghill, published by Penguin Books in 1951, is a fabliau of 14 pages set in the middle ages. The Reeve tells his tale to counter the Millers Tale. It is about two clerks who bring their grain to be milled by a thieving miller. The miller steals their grain and they pay him back with what is justly due. The theme of the `Reeves Tale is do unto others as they do unto you. This theme is carried through the Reeves Tale` by the underlying meanings of its characters and happenings. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Chaucers Reeves Tale or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page `

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Professional Issues in Information Technology essays

Professional Issues in Information Technology essays Professional Issues in Information Technology Dont they say first impressions last ... well, heres my first impression on: 1. the relevance of this subject to my course and; So where do I start - well how about I start with you because once Ive made my first impression on you, based on my first impressions about this subject, then I can justify the second point. It seems clear to me that I am supposed to be writing not based on what I dont know but on what I do know. Well thats easy, not a great deal, so I will be completely honest and say I havent researched any of the content in this essay and it is only based on my own understanding. So here are the key words youve given me to trigger some potential ideas in my head (a) ethics, (b) computer ethics, (c) professional ethics. My initial thought is shit however I cant say that! But why not? Im only expressing the way I feel ... is that right or wrong? a) Hang on, is that ethics? Questioning the notion of what is right or wrong and attempting to justify it through our opinions. Ive got a feeling Im warm however I cant be completely sure. What I am sure of, is you cannot pin ethics down and there is no absolute right or wrong answer. However many people and society in general will subscribe to what is considered right or wrong. Obvious examples include refrain from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud. And in society this is enforced through law which often based on circumstance or evolution can fall over and bring us to question what is written down as right or wrong and the issue becomes one of an ethical debate. Personally I dont believe in absolute right or wrong which is probably similar to the ideas of a Zen Buddha. A step further would have me saying I dont be ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Types of technical report Essays

Types of technical report Essays Types of technical report Paper Types of technical report Paper A progress report gives Information on the history of particular project over a Limited period of time. Since It Is the nature of a progress report to be partially completed Is submitted midway through the project completion or as the need rises. According to Mills and Walter (1980), a progress report is composed of transitional introduction and a prophetic conclusion. Transitional Introduction Transitional Introduction Refers to the detailed discussion regarding the completed ark given the present time frame. Prophetic conclusion Prophetic conclusion refers to the projected completion of a project and the circumstances surrounding Its completion. The Preliminary Report A preliminary report Indicates the validity of a particular project. It takes Into account the basic requirements when putting up a project or the considerations the proponent needs to know. The Periodic Report A periodic report is written for the sole purpose of providing updates for the client who commissioned it. The report includes details pertinent to the project status. It primarily uses statistical data that reflect the dealings made for the subject. Two classifications of Periodic report: Routine report Refers to a report written by an assigned employee or employees to his/her superiors. Let includes the status of the company, the employees, the materials and the like. Annual report It is a periodic report of the organization as a whole, taking note of transactions made by the company general/official regarding the organizations performance. Final report A final report is submitted after the completion of a project. It shows how the reports was carried out. It Is detailed and contains relevant Illustrations. It serves as a permanent record of a project. Examination report decision-making strategies and out comes. The premise of any examination report is that it is well researched and well-written. Three general classifications of examination: 1 . Reader- may deal with readers whose in of work involves technical/scientific know how. 2. Contents- may involve groups dealing with persons, processes structure or materials. 3. Purpose- the report reflects the type of information target readers would want to know.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The early life and reign of Julius Caesar Essay

The early life and reign of Julius Caesar - Essay Example Julius Caesars' early life and the beginning of his reign as leader of Rome was a very long, yet fulfilling journey. Where Julius Caesar was born and his upbringing influenced him greatly to become the leader of Rome. His accomplishments in his early reign were of extreme importance.Caesar was born in Rome into a well-known patrician family (gens Julia), which supposedly traced its ancestry to Julus, the son of the Trojan prince Aeneas (who according to myth was the son of Venus). A well-documented legend that exists is that, Caesar was born by Caesarian section and is therefore named that way, though it is considered improbable because at that time, it was only performed on dead women, and Julius Caesar's mother lived long after he was born. This legend is more likely a more recent creation, as the origin of the Caesarian section is in the Latin word for to cut, caedo, -ere, caesus sum.Caesar was raised in a modest apartment building (insula) in the Subura, a lower-class neighborhoo d of Rome. His family was not rich and by the then prevalent nobility at that time, there was not any wealthy or prominent family member in his family. However, they were socially distinguished since its members were patrician, and claimed descent from Venus and Aeneas. They had influential political connections and these were useful connections for his political aspirations. Caesar's aunt was married to the popular leader Marius, and he himself married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna (a follower of Marius), refusing to divorce her when ordered to by the dictator Sulla. He was deeply in love with his wife and mourned her long and hard when Cornelia died in 69 BC. After that, he married for political gains though his choice of wife, Sulla's granddaughter Pompeia, who was also the daughter of Quintas Pompey, surprised quite a few in 67 BC. When Sulla died, Caesar began his political career in the Forum at Rome as an advocate, and his reputation as an orator grew in leaps and bounds. He was also known for his ruthless prosecution of former governors notorious for extortion and corruption. The great orator Cicero even commented, "Does anyone have the ability to speak better than Caesar" He had built solid relationships with Rome's great general and this was a point in his favor. He leaned more towards the populares side rather than the conservatives. The rivalry between Pompey and Caesar's benefactor, Crassus, seemed to have little effect on Caesar. Crassus continued to support Caesar's enormous debts over the next few years. Massive bribery with money borrowed from the rich and influential ex-consul Crassus also procured for him the politically important office of Pontifex Maximus in 63 BC. His personal life had a setback with the ending of his marriage. In 62 BC, Clodius, a Roman politician and Caesar's second wife, Pompeia, were involved in a scandal that took place at a religious festival at his house, concerning the violation of the secret rites of Bona Dea, and Caesar obtained a divorce, saying, "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion." Having served in Farther Spain as proconsul in 61 BC, he returned to Rome in 60 BC, ambitious for the consulate. He organized a coalition, known as the First Triumvirate, against a very strong opposing group, and was made up of made up of Pompey, commander in chief of the army; Crassus, who was powerful being the wealthiest man in Rome and Caesar himself. Pompey and Crassus had a strained relationship going but Caesar cleverly manipulated them to keep the arrangement in operation. Back in Rome in 60, he used force to pass legislation and took up the governorship of Gaul. He married Calpurnia, whose father Piso was made consul, and Pompey married Julia, daughter of Caesar and Cornelia. Caesar continued in Gaul, for eight long years and annexed the whole of modern France and Belgium to the Roman Empire, and making Rome safe from the possibility of Gallic invasions. Pompey and Crauss were constantly at each other's throat and Caesar kept